~falling 0ut of l0ve is hard..
falling of betrayal is w0rst~
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Its called a breakup c0z its br0ken
Last nite ak kua wit my housemate n my cni0r..hehe excited nk kua hanging 0ut kt kL..Nk p mkn kt kg Baru, medan tuk mlantak ngan pelbagai mknan..ser0n0k mkn area tu bnyak plihan da ler xmahal sgt.. Pas mkn kami p KLCC k0n0n nk tg0k wayang tp psal xde citer best..ingt da kua Pirates of Carribean..s0 kami mnyusuri keserabutan org rmai bduyun2 nk cari entertainment lain... s0 kami decide nk p Kinokuniya Bookst0re.. mcari buku Men fr0m mArs w0men fr0m Venus.. ak cuba mcari version yg my past cni0r looking c0nfius upenye bnyak editi0n.. utk xmc0nfiuskan dri ak letak blik buku tu,,ak mcapai satu buku...
" its called breakup because its br0ken".. writer by Greg Behrents... de nye title mcm best.. tp suasana kt b00kst0re tu cam rmai2 wat ak mbace sekilas lalu ajee..... cuma yg ak tau its p0int.. jgn mudah mengalah bile kita kna dump..its nature.. like dis quote 'Not all relationship meant to last forever even when you are in love because some of the love stories are short stories…Dun regret for 1 second that make you happy, enjoy it n if anything happen stop, cry for a while and run back wild... hehe
Hey Girls.. d0nt cry for dis stupid thing..nothing to loss.. u r n0t part of his life.. and i kn0e kita should m0ve 0n.. like i said.. single can mingle...hehehe d0nt hav curfew time for us to hanging 0ut.. xyah nk anta report da kt sape2.. xyah nk jga ati s0me0ne yg dlu kon0n nye penting tuk kita.. we r not a girl sitting alone wit a b0x of tissue and empty can of icecream..k0n0n2 frust mnangis xblagu n mkn icecream tuk mnyejukkn ati yg lara.. damn! its stupid act klu kita nk bsedih duka lara.. n0..n0.. penah dgr lagu R0ssa? hey ladies.. skrg cinta pkai 0tak.. hey ladies jgn mau bilang lemah... lalalaa xpun kita layan la lagu 'jar of heart'.. best gak.. wh0 u think u are.. s0 d0nt c0me back f0r me!!..
Its time t0 start turning ur breakup int0 a break0ver... love urself bru org sekeliling kan syg kamu.. kamu kna cantik bru org kagum ngan kamu..cantik dr dalaman dan luaran.. jgn c0z jiwa tsiksa kerna cinta.. love is n0thing.. when pe0ple say love is the imp0rtant thing in dis w0rld.. i admit it.. f0rtunately i LOVE m0ney.. s0 cinta t0lak tepi.hehe fr0m my view.. when tjadi s0mething yg md0wn kan ak..ak cpat2 take it as positive ways... ak cuba pilih tuk trus maju.. n n0w.. im d0ne..(n0t really).. hehe Da penat ak mbebel n mngisi msa lapang kt b00kst0re.ak mngajak my cni0r n my h0usemate p mkn cake yg ak idam2 kn.. new arrival.hahaa cheese choc berries.. try la.hee tp xkna ngan my taste.. still nk indulgence gak.. sentap!heehehe
delicious but still n0t my fav0rite!
Pastu kami tringin sambung xtvt briadah.. kami decide p men b0wling kt Ampang p0int.. then p Karaoke di Ampang pArk..b00k small r00m..mlalak la kami.still pk h0pe xmlalaikan..hehe insyallah. Ak layan la lagu fauziah latif.. 'Setia ku k0rbankn'..haha sebak babe.. 0pps.. xpe2..cam slalu ak bgtau its n0rmal to miiss kngan n d0nt make it halangan tuk kamu m0ve on.. only time can heal 0ur hurt.haha yg penting kita d0akan yg baik2 je tuk de.. keep smile wit perfect smile 0k.. Alamak.. ak lapar lagi.haha kami mnuju ke kg Baru..mkn t0myam fam0us di situ.. then kami p jupe kwn pd cni0r ak..ak knal de..ensem n sweet tp.. susah nk ckp.hahaa de nye usha kt ak cam nk telan.. still r0mantic..even kami knal n de ajak ak kua bnyak kali ak t0lak.. nek superbike babe.aduh! kecewa c0z ati ak n0t ready g.hahaa bye2 l0ve.. welc0me t0 my w0rld of m0ney..m0ney.. hahaa Sebelum ak tlupe..ak rase cinta ni xpenting sebenarnye.. slama c0uple ni hanya responsible each other to be love.. erm.. cinta tu xde slagi kta xnikah n de bukan suami kita.. its my 0pinion lah.. hahaa s0 ak decide 3taun mcari CINTA.. haha lame tu.. ak xtau la.. even ade guy yg k0non syg sepenuh jiwa tabur duit n kemewahan camne pun..klu xcinta xleh paksa kan.. s0 d0nt waste ur time dude..ak xnk bg harapan kt sape2.. hehe im happy single cmni.. mekaseh!! penat da mrapu.. pas lepak2 mngutuk n citer ttg idup.. kami pulang ke rumah.. p/s: hahaa really enj0y dis weekend.. cam da lame xkua hepi2 cmni.. mekaseh ye pada yg tlibat.hehe
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