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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Janji temu buta....part 2

hehehehhe...tak sabar2 aku nak sambung cite pasal kawan aku yg kemaruk cinta ni....aku cite smp mane2 td????ok..ok...i get it already hehehehe pas die dah siap bagai leh lak die ajak aku pg mkn..die ckp papehal aku still kne isi tank aku dlu di buat nye die dump aku cmne....dat part aku agree 100% pandai gak kawan aku ni pk pasal masa depan die nanti..hehehhe aku pun gumbire bukan kepalang aku ni dah nak mati kot tunggu ko siap...dush.

n ktrog pegi la makan dgn hati yg riang...makan pye makan perut dah kenyang kawan aku mtk teman die tunggu cab...aku pun teman la....tetibe aku nampak atas tudung die ALAMAK... ADE KESAN KOTORAN kawan aku pye la panic mane babe ...cni...cni aku tak nampak pun mmgla ko tak nampak atas kepala ko kot...ish die ni kan...terus suh aku snap pic babe aku nak tgk serius mane kotoran ni...aku pun snap...pastu bile die tgk je pic tu aku rase confident level die jatuh merundum bawah dr tapak kaki kot...terus ckp jom balik aku tak de mood...aku pun ckp ape pulak ni...

blindate wit the blindman...

lps balik die pye bebel tok sah la nak ckp...byk sungguh die ckp mcm high ganja ckp 3 jam non stop...aku pun grab tudung die basuhkan....sambil basuh aku lak sambung bebel...YA ALLAH INIKAH DUGAAN HIDUP IF BUKAN JODOH GAK TAK TAU LA NAK KATE....hehehehehe.kawan aku ckp thanks babe aku no thanks aku buat ni nak selamat kan telinga aku dr dengar bebelan ko...telinga ni nak pakai lame spare part tak jual k.....

last2 kuar jugak die hehheheh n berjumpa la mamat blind date die...hope the guy deserve all the hard and pain yg kawan aku ni tempuh nak jumpa here is the lucky guy....jeng..jeng..jeng

lucky guy..??

But the sadness part after they had wonderful time together the guy tak sms or col her anymore...but when she col he pick up the phone and when she asked why u not replying my msg the answer is simple sorry la awk tak de credit...i dun understand what's wrong with the guys nowdays...what u want from the 1st blind date...what u expect us to impress fren just trying her best by being herself...and if u dun like her please be a man by admiting it...ckp je la sorry la dude u not as what i imagine we know our next step...we can move on...i know girls out there every each of one ever experiance bad first date eventhough its not blind date rite....if pk balik knp ade gurl choose laki org coz they are real men to admit what they really feel inside.

p/s: if you read this post please just tell the truth what u really feel towards my fren...if tak suke ckp je jgn nak janji yg bukan2 k...gud nite sweet dream.

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